Thursday, November 10, 2016

Cheap and Easy

A cheap, easy meal to prepare is delicious to me but may be repulsive to someone else.

White rice, a dippy (sunny side up) egg, and pan fried spam. It warms me up just thinking about it. Put all the ingredients into a bowl, stir it up, and enjoy. The saltiness of the spam it mellowed by the egg and the rice soaks up all the flavors. Based on the flavors you enjoy most you can season it any way you like. I usually put garlic and black pepper. However, a lot of the time I just look in the cabinet and pull out what ever calls my name at that moment; maybe hot sauce, or mayo, maybe I can add even some spinach.

I know this may turn people off but never judge a food solely on how it smells, looks, or how the ingredients sound together. JUST TRY IT!!!!

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