My Grandpa's birthday was a few days ago and his favorite foods for his birthday are Soup Beans and Butterscotch Pie. The easiest and hardest things to make. However, mom and I made both of them.
Soup Beans are so simple. All you need are navy beans, onion, some sort of meat and/or bone, water and some form of tomato if you like (my grandpa is happy with ketchup). Rinse the beans. Then put them into a crock-pot of water with the meat and onions. Now cook the crap out of the beans. You can add almost any spices that appeal to you. After it is put into a bow and ready to serve just put some ketchup on top, maybe even cheese.
I think Soup Beans are one of my grandpa's favorites because it reminds him of when he was young.
Now for Butterscotch Pie, also my favorite.
This is possibly one of the hardest pies ever made, especially if you make it from scratch. We tried twice, called grandpa once to see if we were doing it right, and i don't even know how many times we reread the recipe and contemplated what we were doing wrong.
After the first try at the filling it was just soupy and runny. Around 11:30 pm we gave up and started over. The second filling got to a pudding texture. We put the slightly strange, pudding textured filling into the already beautifully golden pie crusts... the filling is supposed to set up a bit more and become more firm. It did nothing of the sort.
The meringue is a whole other story. It flat out did not happen... most likely because we tripled the recipe and were trying to mix it by hand instead of with an electric mixer.
Anyway, Grandpa was thrilled with his Soup Beans and pie even though they did not turn out quite like we planned. He is the only one who ate the Soup Beans, bless his heart (he probably drove all the way home with the windows down). The Butterscotch Pie was scooped out with a giant serving spoon, plopped on a plate with a small pile of whip cream (store bought, because well you know meringue is really difficult), and we all ate with spoons. I have to say it was a pretty wonderful night.
Happy Birthday 25th(x3) Grandpa!!!